Tel: (0232) 229 08 77
Titan Processing System
Tel: (0232) 229 08 77



Centrifuge filtration is a separation technique that utilizes centrifugal force to separate particles from a liquid or gas mixture. In this process, a centrifuge machine is employed, which rapidly spins the mixture, generating a strong centrifugal field. The force created causes heavier particles or components to migrate away from the center of rotation, forming a distinct layer or deposit. Meanwhile, lighter components move towards the center, resulting in a clarified liquid or gas.


Centrifuge filtration is a separation technique that utilizes centrifugal force to separate particles from a liquid or gas mixture. In this process, a centrifuge machine is employed, which rapidly spins the mixture, generating a strong centrifugal field. The force created causes heavier particles or components to migrate away from the center of rotation, forming a distinct layer or deposit. Meanwhile, lighter components move towards the center, resulting in a clarified liquid or gas.

Centrifuge Filtration

• Fumeless, smokeless operations.
• Up to 99.9% Recovery rate.
• Produced for maximum safety precautions.
• 24/7 Technical Service.
• Including all know-how on recovery and refining process.
Titan Processing System

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    Titan Processing System