Tel: (0546) 878 0 877
Titan Processing System
Tel: (0546) 878 08 77

PGM Upgrade 10

The system is used to refine & recycle alloys contains platinum, palladium by aqua regia method. Sprayer tanks uses pressured air to wash filters and reactors with different chemicals. Thanks to superior quality titanium reactor, heat control and different acids are also avaliable to process. The maximum purity of platinum and palladium refined is 99.5 / 100.

PGM Upgrade 10

The system is used to refine & recycle alloys contains platinum, palladium by aqua regia method. Sprayer tanks uses pressured air to wash filters and reactors with different chemicals. Thanks to superior quality titanium reactor, heat control and different acids are also avaliable to process. The maximum purity of platinum and palladium refined is 99.5 / 100.

PGM Upgrade 10

• Fumeless, smokeless operations.
• Up to 99.5% Platinum and Palladium
• Superior Quaility Titanium Reactor with
• Produced for maximum safety
• Chemical sprayer only uses by pressured air.
• 24/7 Technical Service.
• Including all know-how on recovery and efining process
Titan Processing System

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    Titan Processing System